Do you remember the days of going to the bank with your paycheck, standing in line for a teller, making your deposit, getting some cash back, and asking for the balance in your accounts? After leaving, you remembered you needed to pay your car loan, so you trek back into the bank, ask for a blank check (because you forgot your checkbook), ask for your loan number, write the check, and then give the check to the teller.

photo - woman using mobile app

It may surprise you to know that many still bank this way. However, more and more people are managing their accounts through means other than going into a branch.

A recent survey*, conducted on behalf of the American Bankers Association (ABA), confirms that online and mobile banking continue to grow in popularity, representing the primary banking channels for two thirds of Americans.

When asked “Which of the following methods do you use most often to manage your bank account?” consumers responded as follows;

Internet (Laptop or PC) - 40%
Mobile – 26%
Bank Branches – 18%
ATM – 7%
Telephone – 4%
Mail – 2%
Don’t know/No opinion – 3%

It is interesting to note the demographic breakdown of the respondents. Methods of digital banking are used across all age groups. Mobile banking remains the preferred choice from those within the ages of 18 – 44. Those above age 65 prefer backing online using a tablet or computer. Visiting a branch is now second choice to those age 55 and older.

Rhinebeck Bank provides access to your accounts via all of the channels mentioned above. You can conduct your banking electronically from virtually anywhere, with no need to wait in any lines. You have access to cash at thousands of ATMs. You are also invited to visit any of our 11 full-service branches. We remain committed to providing you with each and any of your preferred banking methods.

We won’t get rid of our branches any time soon, so don’t hesitate to stop by sometime and say hello. We’d love to see you.


Robert Foster

Retail Operations