Most of us have heard the phrase “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This is especially true during a job search.

Your resume is usually the first impression you will make on a potential employer. I am amazed that in our technology driven world, so many resumes are submitted with typos or errors. One recent resume I received included years of employment “20o9 to 2015”. How did that error even happen?!? If the first work product you show to an employer has errors, what does that say about the work you will produce for them? Not much.

With many applicants applying for the same job, it is important to make yourself stand out. Make sure your resume is visually appealing. The font should be consistent, the words should be spaced evenly on the page and it should fit on one page if you have less than 10 years of work experience. And of course it should detail WHAT you did and HOW you did it.

Before finalizing your resume read it out loud, run it through spell check, give it to someone to proof read (teachers are great at this.) Ask yourself “Am I proud of this document? Does it reflect who I am as a potential employee?" After all, that is the story your resume tells.

P.S. – A firm handshake and good eye contact never hurt a candidate’s chance either.

Jeanine Borko

SVP, Human Resources

Jeanine Borko - Headshot